Flex 2 Unit Converter – Part III

Ok, the plot continues to thicken on the Flex front. I've been pulling my hair out trying to the get the previous example to work when viewing it on the web and up to about a minute ago I was having no luck. So I thought I'd finally upgrade my flash player in IE (yes, … Read more

Flex 2 Unit Converter – Part II

Though I'd continue my work on the unit converter, add a few more conversions (Volume, Weight & Mass and everybody's favourite – Computer Units are now available). But the thing I really wanted to add was a currency conversion. This turned out to be more trouble than I had originally anticipated. Mainly due to the … Read more

Flex 2 and horizontal scrollbars

I was mucking about with viewing the flex unit converter at different screen sizes and noticed that when viewed at a size small enough to require a vertical scroll bar, a horizontal scroll bar would also appear. Basically the introduction of the vertical scrollbar adds 16 pixels to the entire movie, without first removing 16 … Read more

Flex 2 Unit Converter

This has been on my list of things to do in Flex since it was released. I finally got around to knocking together this units converter (the first three tabs are the only ones that work at the moment). During the development I think I finally grasped (well, got a better grasp anyway 😉 Events … Read more

Flash auto update

Just a quickie to say that my IE version of Flash 8 hasn't auto updated itself yet. I'm guessing it's something to do with the me installing and uninstalling that plugin so many times (using Flash plugin switcher) that it doesn't really know whether it's coming or going anymore. Though I'm sure there's an even … Read more

Flexing my brain

I've just finished reading an article over at http://www.actionscript.com where Jesse Warden answers 10 questions on Flash & Flex. Question 4 really piqued my interest: "4. Coming from a Flash perspective, what was easy about learning Flex and what was the biggest challenge?". Jesse answers that question in 7 parts, here's part 2:

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A trip down actionscript 1.0 memory lane

I was making a few modifications on a clients Flash 6 AS 1.0 movie yesterday, and can’t believe I spent about 30 minutes debugging what I perceived to be an issue AS 1.0 has with embedding fonts. In actuality, the trouble lied with my ability to take code that I’d copied from an AS 2.0 … Read more

Who popped my cherry?

Wow, so this blogging stuff’s pretty powerful… and a little scary. It seems the aggregator I’ve been visiting for the last couple of years has decided to add me – and I didn’t even need to ask! As I don’t quite have a handle on how this actually happened, it seems a bit mysterious to … Read more

Live reflection component with a twist!

This is my first foray into the flex world, and I’ve chosen to take some baby steps by extending a component that was published by Narciso Jaramillo over at http://rictus.com/muchado/ . As I’ve never published code that I’ve “extended” before, if I’m doing this in a way that would contravene the GPL licence that is … Read more

Continuing my observation of oddities and the new Flash 9 player

It seems that clicking the “About Adobe Flash Player 9…” takes me to a URL that doesn’t exist: http://www.macromedia.com/software/flash/fl4about What gives? Surely there’s a redirect from the old Macromedia site to the Adobe one? Or have a I managed to snag Adobe/Macromedia in the middle of some technology changeover…? EDIT: Man, I’ve gotta stop doing … Read more