Good at writing lists; bad at crossing things off them

I’ve spent a good deal of the last couple days fiddling around with two list applications (they’re both Air apps). The first one, MiniTask takes (as the name suggests) a minimalist approach to task lists. The second one, Simple Tasks V2 is much more complex and has a few of the features that I think … Read more

Enough “Helvetica Neue” already!

As a Firefox 3 user, I was mystified when I upgraded from FF 2 to see that a few sites had some very ugly italic text going on. The number of sites not rendering “properly” has steadily grown to the point where I decided to figure out what the hell was going on.

Well it seems that FF3 doesn’t render “Helvetica Neue” very well… in fact it does a very bad job indeed!

I have a dream…

I awoke this morning to the BBC coverage of Senator Obama being announced as President Elect. A few times I welled up listening to his victory speech – reminded me of some of Jed Bartlett’s finer oratory moments 😉 Barack Obama certainly has a way with words, but actions tend to be a bit louder … Read more